Monday, November 29, 2010

Our crazy life!

Yesterday, Dad still couldn't get the truck, because it wouldn't let Dad speed up the engine past 1,500 RPM; cruse control woudn't work; and the check engine light was always on... >:-( So we have to wait some more until we can get that back home...

Anyway, today it is snowing again, and we are getting quite a bit of snow, which is fine, because our latest hobby, is pulling a circular sled behind the snowmobile, which someone rides... (see Andrew's blog for pictures)

One of the many new features of Farming Simulator 2011, is multi player, where you can play with real people! I have been enjoying that feature a lot here lately, and it is a whole lot of fun!
Anyway, I have to go, so bye bye!


1 comment:

Rachel Beth said...

I watched the video of the snowmobile ride on Andrew's blog - what fun - wish we could get some snow here in winter. :)