Monday, November 2, 2009



I just read in the book, "The Upland Game Hunter's Bible" about how hard it is to find, let alone shoot, a pheasant. Mr. Holland says, on page 21, that "A cock pheasant is undoubtedly the orneriest, most contemptible, low-down, miserable bird that a hunter ever had to contend with. There's no trick he doesn't know or won't use. Where possible he'll drop his head and tail to the ground and sneak away like a thief in the night, miraculously inconspicuous even in thin cover; if he can see his way clear, he'll dig in and, with head and tail high, run like a race horse; He'll squat within two feet of a hunter's feet, and let the man walk right past him; and he'll fly only when he is cornered -a rare thing-or when it is strictly to his advantage. And when he does jump, he'll do so with a flash of color and a raucous cackle that will throw a man's timing about twenty degrees off center. All of which is high praise. More power to him. And all of which makes the subject of how to hunt pheasants difficult to define."

All of this makes me very eager to go on my first pheasant hunt, and I will let you know how it goes after we do it.

Gotta go,
