Monday, October 24, 2011

Alas, the school hath started again... :-)

Hi guys,
  Yes, I am back at the grindstone so to speak.  Actually it's not that bad, just a little annoying.  This morning, Mom is doing a couple of sessions; Dad went to haul grain; Andrew went up to the pasture to work on some fence; and Cora and I are staying inside as much as possible. :P

  Last Friday, we got a phone call saying that our cows were all out in the same alfalfa field that they were in the last time, so Mom and I, being the only people home, went up to get them back in.  We finaly got them in, but then we had to go around the fence to find any bad places and fix them...

  Well, by the time we got home, it was about 6:15 and we had left at about 1:30!  And to make things worse, Friday is the day that we clean the house on.  Needless to say, the house didn't get cleaned very much...

  Yesterday, we combined some of our corn around here!  We had both of the combines going, and I was driving the white truck with the grain box.  I think that Andrew is going to try to combine some more today when he gets home...

  Well, time to go.  Have a nice day today!  Jacob B.