I've been busy working on getting the hay crop put up, or at least whats there to put up, so thats why I havn't posted in a long time... :P Unfortunatly, we've only been getting a bit less then half of the hay crop of normal this year... :(
We've got the 1st cut almost done, we just have to stack up the few bales on a little part of the last field, but the tractor decided it had to break on us before we could finish that up, so we are currently stoped with bale stacking and carting... :(
So during the time that I havn't written, Andrew's bought and sold some vehicles, Cora's done a lot of babysitting, Mom worked on a lot of clients, Dad baled a lot of hay, and I've cut hay along with Andrew, and a lot more happend as well, that I dont have time to write about now... :P
Anyways, as promised, here's a few pictures from my latest game. :)
Anyways, have a good one out there, I've gotta go. Cya later, Jacob;)