Thursday, September 20, 2012

Schools back in. again. i think. :P

Hey guys,
  As you may have guessed, the school season is drawing near, and it's no different around here, so that's why I've started writing more regular again.  I'll try not to bore you all out with Farming Simulator news again this year, lol.

  That being said, not a whole lot has happened around here sense I last wrote you all.  I'm still battling this blasted cold, Mom's up in town doing sessions, Cora's babysitting, Dad's trucking, and Andrew went over to help a neighbor harvest his 1500 acres of corn...

  Andrew has been buying up vehicles left and right again, his latest project being a Arctic Cat 4 wheeler with some engine problems.  He just got that fixed the other day, so now we have a nice new quad on the place!  That is, until he sells it... :P

  Farming Simulator 2013 is looking nice so far, although still arcade, as normal... Yesterday it was 4 weeks until release date, so I'm looking forward to more info soon on that.  Well, it looks like it's time for me to go again, so I'll talk to you all later. Jacob B.

Monday, September 17, 2012

A Recap of Recent news.

Hey guys,
 I know it's been a long time sense I've written to you all, but I have been busy over the summer doing field work, and all sorts of other stuff...  I'll try to touch on the events that have happened sense I last wrote you all, but I know I can't get them all in one post... lol

  On one of the later weekends of August, we held an Appleseed shoot at our place, on our own range that we had set up a few weeks earlier.  We had a lot of fun during the event, and playing volleyball afterwards... ;)

  On a more recent note, last Wednesday, Dad and I went to Fargo to see the Big Iron Farm Show, and on the way, we found a lot full of equipment that was going to be sold at auction on the 14th, or last Friday.  We had a great day at Big Iron, even though I did have this cold then already... :(

  On Friday then, Dad; Andrew; and I went over by Jamestown to the consignment auction, as we had seen some things that we were interested in.  We had a great time spending cash... lol.  We bought a Deere 8820 combine, a 60' grain auger, a air compressor, and some other tools... :)

  Talk to you later, I gotta go;)