Thursday, April 5, 2012


Hey guys,
  Sorry I haven't written in so long, but we are getting busy with our spring work...  Dad and Andrew are working helter-skelter on grain cleaning, this week especially, as everybody wants their grain cleaned yesterday... :P

   Mom and I have broken out the disc and worked a few of the fields up around the farmstead here, to try to kill the weeds that got such a head start last year.  We will be working the fields several times before we plant them...

  We are starting to get some baby calves now, so that is keeping us busy as well.  One of my cows had twins, so now I have a little bottle calf, as the mom didn't have enough milk... :(  Andrew picked up another car to work on a few days ago as well... *shakes head* :P

  I bought a new toy too. :D  It is a Nintendo 3DS. I bought it, because Farming Simulator is coming to it, so now I can take Farming Sim on the road with me! :D:D  Also, there are 2 new farming games in development by the makers of Agricultural Simulator 2012! :D  I'll tell you about them later though. ;)

I have to go now, so I'll talk to you all later;)

1 comment:

Dawn Bornemann said...

Hi Jacob,
This is a nice summary of our week. Thanks for helping with the discing so that it doesn't get to be too much for my neck!
Nice post, Jacob.