Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Puzzler answer

Okay, the question was:"My wife was always forgetting where she left her car keys. One day, I heard her about to tip over our chest of drawers. Bursting into our bedroom, I saw her car keys, and using a simple four word phrase, I calmed her down, and showed her where her keys were." The tricky part is that the words were all homonyms. (words that sound alike, like: to, two, too...)

And the answer is: There there, they're there. The first two "theres" are to calm her down, and then there is a contraction of they are to they're, and lastly, there, pointing out her keys. Hope all of you like it, I might put some more of these up later.

Gotta go,



Hannah said...

Now that I heard the answer it seems like it should have been easy! I could not think of ANY words that could be the answer!

Enoch said...

I would have never guest that!
That was a hard one, But now it seems so easy.
thanks for Commenting on my blog!