Sunday, November 28, 2010

Yesterday's News.

Hi all,
Yesterday, Andrew, Cora, and I took out the snowmobile, and we tied a sled behind it, and I rode the sled while Andrew drove, and then he took Cora for a ride, and then I took him for a ride, but by then, we were almost out of gas, so we had to stop. :-(

Anyway, today, Dad is picking up his truck, because it wasn't ready the other day; and Mom has sessions in Bismarck today; Cora is going to go work in town this afternoon; and I don't really know what Andrew and I are going to do today.

So, I am almost done with school, (yay) and it looks like it is pretty nice outside, so we might ride the snowmobile some more today, but who knows what we are going to do today... ;-) Well, I have just gotten the call to lunch, so I had better go.


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