Thursday, April 21, 2011

Nasty Weather. :-(

Hi guys,
  Today it is VERY windy and it is raining a little bit too.  It is so nasty outside that nobody wants to go outside, so Dad and I went to Wishek to pick up our quick hitch for the 7250, and then we drove around for a little bit looking through all of the dealerships.

  We aren't doing much today, Cora went to work in town; Dad and I just got home from Wishek; Andrew is looking at computer parts and what not; and Mom is going to go take a soak, I think.  When we came back, we could see the green house plastic bubbling severely. :-(

  So how is everyone enjoying all of the slop? :P  It is fun just getting in and out of our yard right now!  From what I saw on the trip, everybody has a messy yard too. :-(  Anyway, time to go, so I will say goodbye, and I will talk to you all later.

  Bye, Jacob B.


Laura said...

Good Morning Jacob,

I am a blogger friend of your big sister, Cora Beth. We live in Maine and have a small farm on the ocean. My son, Josh, and your big brother, Andrew, blog back and forth. We all enjoy hearing about the interesting activities happening on your farm.

I was so sorry to read this morning about what happened with the cow yesterday. Our family will all be praying that the cow will heal quickly and that the vet bill won't be too much. It sounds as though you all had quite a day yesterday...we will also be praying that this coming week will
be really productive for your farm.

We so enjoy reading about how your family all works together...much the same way ours does...thousands of miles away!

Try not to worry too much...God is in control. Hope you all have a blessed weekend,
Mrs Laura

Anonymous said...

Hey Jacob,

My mother shared with me about what happened to the cow at your farm and I wanted to stop by your blog and offer some encouragement. I am really sorry about what happened. I'll be praying that the cow will heal quickly and that the bill won't be much.

I also wanted to share with you something that I did years ago. I was probably about your ago at the time, maybe a little older. I had just purchased two brand new push mowers (this was before I got into commercial equipment). When I was done mowing at this one account of mine, I put the mowers behind my truck and then grabbed my trimmer to clean up the edges. My mind was in another place at the time and I did not realize that I had not put the mowers in the back of my truck. When I was done trimming, I jumped in my truck and put it in reverse. The ending result was not good! I basically backed over my new mowers, monster truck style! I couldn't even believe it. When I got home my mom asked me what I did. I told her that I just destroyed $700 worth of equipment!

Even if we are really careful, accidents will happen. It just comes with the territory. It is such a comfort for me to know that God gives us the strength to get through the trials we face.

God Bless,

Jacob B. said...

Thanks for the comments! Yes, I fealt rather stupid for a while, as I'm sure you did too when you drove over your new mowers :-( Yes, I hope the cow makes it. I will start reading your blogs soon! Thanks, Jacob!