Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Tank! O.O

Hey guys,
  Not a whole lot new here, our loan officer came out to the farm this morning for signatures on the year's operating loan, and Mom and I went over to Dawson to pick up the Azure order this morning as well.

  Right now, Dad is out in the shop, Mom is doing a session, Cora is babysitting, Andrew is probably talking with friends, seeing as he's at their house, and I'm still doing my school work, along with reading about tanks...

  While we were in Dawson this morning, we had a bit of extra time on our hands, so I got to look at the tank on display at the veterans building.  Turns out it was a M60A3 Patton:

So yeah, fun little machine... :P  I wish I could drive one, but whatever...  Not much else to write about here, so I'll talk to you all later, Jacob B.  Oh, and if you don't want to read the article, that tank was more used in the 'nam and more recent wars and was not used in WWII, as the delivered date implies...

1 comment:

Dawn Bornemann said...

Dear Jacob,
Thanks a million for helping me carry all of those boxes and bags to the car in Dawson this morning! I'm glad that you had a good time researching about that tank type.
Good writing!