Wednesday, December 4, 2013

My new tank!

Hey guys,
  So during the Black Friday sale for World of Tanks, I decided to pick myself up a KV-5! (click here for full technical details of the ingame machine)  Mom decided it would be a good topic for a blog post so here goes. :)

  The main reason why I wanted this particular tank was because I had been told that it made LOTS of credits, more then other tier 8 premium tanks, and that sounded very tempting, another reason, it has the most hit points of all the tier 8 heavies as far as I know.

  The gun is pretty bad, but it will do pretty decent damage when you penetrate.  The armor is good, but its loaded with weak spots.  However, there's more then just 1 way to deal damage in this game... :P

  This tank is literally MADE for ramming.  It weighs *gasp* 100 metric tons *gasp* and when going downhill can get up to 40 kilometers per hour. even on normal ground it will move fairly well though, because it has a 1200 HP engine... O.O

  I don't really like the fact that the tank is as big as a barn, but hey, when you have 280 more HP then the next best tier 8 heavy, you kinda expect it to be big...  So far I like the tank, I don't always do the best in it, but it's fun nonetheless.

  Here's a goodbye picture of my new beast. :)

  I'll talk to you all later, Jacob B. :)

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